Making a “best of the year” style story is difficult when you’re making images of the boring and mundane. The truth is, those are my favorite style images to make. Growing up I was told the best way to make an interesting image, is to put something interesting In front of the lens and shoot the obvious. Perhaps I have a love for abuse or my natural habit to break rules in anything, kicks in. I seem to be attracted to less interesting subjects. I suppose I love the arm wrestle of making something interesting out of nothing, a subject that I know isn’t.
I find photography can usually show, describe much more than it can explain. Like for instance, why is Superman cooking hotdogs? You’ll see that in one of the images below. The most fun I can exercise is having the ability to confuse the viewer. I enjoy showing something slightly out of context. This along with pulling any kind of emotion from someone, wither it’s a laugh, rage, disgust are all options i’ll accept.
Once again, they’re not exciting, they’re not flashy but hopefully interesting. These are not the highlight of my day nor the key moments. I bring to you, “The In-Between Moments” captured.
Leave a comment and lets talk photos!

Guitar Man
I walked over to this gentleman playing guitar and started chatting. I asked him if I could take some photos of him playing guitar. He politely said “yes but i’m going to take a smoke break” and lit up. I thought this was a tactic to bait me into conversation, I was more than willing to do it. He spoke of Austin TX, how much it had changed and how gentrification is washing the city of it’s charm and roots. He was right and it’s easy to see. I shot some photos and threw him a few bucks. It would be nice to see him again one day and catch up.

Foggy Tones
I attended 4848 music festival at Snowshoe Mountain Resort in West Virginia. The weekend was packed with music and some weird weather. While walking back down to the stage after grabbing a beer, I came across this sight. The thick fog that evening made the scene too visual to not capture.

Ghost Lift
I love the spooky vibes this image gives off. I don’t care where that lift goes. I’m not taking it anywhere.

Angel Soft
This might be the most Irony i’ve ever captured in one image. A man sleeping on hard concrete in front of a super soft object. It’s just soul crushing. If I could go back, I would have gone in and bought him a pillow. Although lots of homeless folks can take responsibility for their misfortune, addiction is something most don’t understand until you experience or witness it. Life isn’t fair and can be cruel. Here’s the proof.
A bird, a plane, a hot dog - David Robertson
I had the pleasure of meeting David Robertson (Superman) last summer on my way to cover a race in Wisconsin. David works at the Hot Dig-A-Dee Dog food cart in downtown Milwaukee.
David grew up with severe epilepsy that resulted in sometimes 3-5 seizures a month. David recently had brain surgery which has cut that number down to a few a year. With that improved quality of life, David now holds down this solid job which he has perfected! David was truly a pleasant soul that could not stop talking. My only regret is that I didn’t have more time to listen.

Roll em if you got em.
After grabbing some lunch and beers in St. Louis , we decided to keep the good times rolling. As soon as we walked in this bowling alley bar, I was slapped in the face with this scene. It couldn’t go without being photographed. I must say. I can’t remember a photo I’ve ever taken in my life that was as accurate as this moment. Nothing left out, nothing that didn’t fit the vibe or frame. Just the way it was, clean and exact. Perfection that I can’t explain and others cant understand.
Pin-Up Bowl - 6191 Delmar Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63112

San Francisco
Some cities are more photogenic than others. It’s honestly hard to take bad photos in San Francisco. If you want pretty or grungy they got it all there!

The great escape! - St. Louis, MO.
One of my favorite race weekend rituals is to find the diviest bar we can go to. From there we see who from the racing world shows up. If someone does, that’s amazing! If not… even better! I look at it as not choosing your friends but letting the universe do it for you!

Sunset Cruise
I try to take my camera out on evenings with a nice sunset. This one was handed to me. After shooting down the street for less than a minuet, I noticed this old boat followed by a motorcycle. I remember laughing and thinking “ I can’t beat that” I turned the camera off and went home.

Although I fancy images of more mundane and not obvious situations, a nice sunset is hard to deny. The Indianapolis skyline is beyond weak, it works in this case and makes for the eyes to be more centered on the beautiful sky. I miss summer!

How bad you gotta to go?
While driving through south Florida, I noticed a couple of abandoned buildings. They looked to be part of some other plaza that had been demolished. I poked around and peaked in. There is something really fascinating to me about abandoned places. I like to see how nature reclaims objects. Somethings last a long time but nothing lasts forever. Maybe future civilizations will think it’s part of a past kings throne or priceless statue.

The Basement Bar
It’s no secret I like visiting and photographing in seedy bars. This unique bar is in the Fort Worth Stock Yards area. Don’t temp me with a good time!
The Basement Bar - 105 W Exchange Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76164

I need to stop!
I was actually on a date when I relayed “ This is going to take a min” I noticed the 78 Lincoln Continental in front of a west side fish and chicken spot. I couldn’t resist stopping and taking a few shots. I’m trying to reduce my “photographs not taken list”

On The Way
There are many highs and lows on this quick trip. There are occasional moments where we’re left in the dark while surrounded by the glory of the sun. We also must not forget that the brightest flames cast the darkest shadows.

Sharp Dressed Man
Nashville is it’s own world down there in Tennessee. The things you can pull off in a fashion sense are truthfully like no where else. I spotted these two legends on the way back to my hotel one evening. I love how they are in sync with their walk.

We Must Ask Ourselves.
I was driving just outside San Francisco when I passed a sign that made me chuckle. I got nearly 5 mins down the road when I realized I couldn’t live without it. I back tracked and got the shot. Glad I did. It’s a simple shapshot but I love it.

The Bar
I’m a sucker for old neon! I’m also partial to the sign as it’s in front of my favorite bar. If you know, you know, I’m not telling you where it is! I don’t need anyone coming in an bothering me…

Mom's Basement Bar
One of the perks of working on the road every weekend is checking out all the local gems!
Mom's Basement Bar, 4411 3rd Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35222

Sam's BBQ
I have a soft spot for small and independent business. What’s the fun in always knowing what to expect? Have you ever been excited by a unique technique that Applebees or Buffalo Wild Wings uses? The answer is no, it’s all the same or someone is in trouble. I wish Sam’s were open when I drove past. I read great things.

Austin Car Culture
While on a quick vacation in Austin, TX . I learned about the local car club scene. Car clubs have gathered for decades at “Chicano Park” in the East Cesar Chavez neighborhood. But residents of a new luxury apartment building have started calling the police to stop them. They through a rally in the park, which I attended. My favorite image was actually meeting this gentleman blocks away. He’s very proud of his ride, for a good reason!

Hands of Time
My grandmother is 92 years old and sharp as a tack. Hands and eyes have always intrigued me. I wanted to make a portrait of her and I but also share our hands and age. This is the best I could do and i’m fine with that. An image I imagine i’ll hold dear for a life time. Grandma and I are good friends, you see.