The word fun is an understatement. Fun is what you say after you leave the driving range, a banquet or catching up with old friends. This shit right here was 15 hr party days with a strong emphasis on survival of the fittest. Not everyone did live that weekend, you can read the stories yourself. As rag tag a group I went with, I was surprised how well everyone held up. Everyone knows I know my way around a concert stage and the bar, I’ve still been known to overdo it a time or 70.
It’s hard to imagine that anyone would allow such a large concentration of freaks, geeks, legends, rockers, ravers and wannabes all in one place at one time. Our friends in the small town of Manchester, Tennessee have done just that. Sounds like a real fucking mess and in a lot of ways it is. A mess that I want to be a part of. I decided to contribute in the only way I know I how, to create images and tell the story about just what is happening every year on this farm in Tennessee.
Don’t get me wrong though, the farm is full of great people having a great time and getting away from everyday life. It’s all about celebrating positive vibes, art, music, love, people and letting your freak flag fly! We did all of that and then some!
I remember hearing of Bonnaroo back in 2006 or 2007, I was in high school. Being from a small town, never traveling anywhere and not knowing what the future held for me made it unsure if i’d ever get the opportunity. It was a small dream come true to finally have the opportunity to go.
Here’s my visual story from an extended weekend on the farm. Thanks to the Joe, John, Gerard, Kyle for taking me in under their wing and putting up with my relentless personality and a plethora of other freak outs, bullshit, fits and just general costs of doing business with me.
This gallery is a long one but it’s what such a wonderful event deserves.
Ladies and gentlemen…. Bonnaroo.

Skibone doesn't let anyone pass easy.
Shot on Fuji X100F.

Heading to the farm!
Shot on Fuji X100F.

Friendly warning.
Shot on Fuji X100F.

Quick adjustments before the search.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Can’t tell these guys shit.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Made it! Bonnaraoo 2019.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 160 Film.

Pit Stop.
Joe said it’s only right we stop to lube up. Joe calls the shots this weekend.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 160 Film.

The Dream.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Parquet Courts Crowd.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 160 Film.

Shapes and Colors.
Shot on Fuji X100F.

Made in the shade.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 160 Film.

How many times do you think they were pulled over?
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Hair on point.
Shot with Nikon D4S, 50mm.

Neighboring Camp.
Shot with Nikon D4S, Fisheye.

Sunset, Bonnaroo.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Come one, come all.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Tanisha, our neighbor, enjoyed 4am Hula Hooping.
Shot on Nikon D4S, 50mm.

Human Performance.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Unfortunate Parking Space.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

What a killer set!
Shot with Fuji X100F.

What a killer set!
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Skibone with a Jonny Bootlegger bottle hit.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

New Age Hippies.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 160 Film.

I asked, why the Energizer Bunny? “ I keep going and going and going”.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 160 Film.

Morning shower time!
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Rock On.
Shot with Fuji X100F..

Your brother is fine, he's here on the farm.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 160 Film.

Shot with Fuji X100F.

Shot with Fuji X100F.

Shot with Fuji X100F.

Someone really needed to get this out there.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Parquet Courts
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Warming up.
These people looks so cool. How is it done? You have it or you don’t. I dont.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 160 Film.

The Captain.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 400 Film.

Joe Dirt.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Side Stage Cowgirl.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 160 Film

Neighbor girls.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 160 Film.

Jessika, I fell in love. Then again, I always do.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 160 Film.

Joe is not a crook!
Shot on Canon AE-1, 50mm, Fuji Superia 100 - Expired 2004.

Concert Goers.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

He had a dick in a box.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

One spicy slice.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Midnight Disco.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Give me all your money, i'll make some origami honey! - Courtney Barnett.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Courtney Barnett rocks so much harder than you.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Joe and the Titty Monster.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Shot with Fuji X100F.

Cherry Glazerr
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Cherry Glazerr.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Cherry Glazerr.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Hanging out in the camp lot.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Rockers know Joe!
Despite the large crowd, Joe’s well known on the farm and a true fan favorite.
Shot on Fuji X100F

Welcome to Bonnaroo.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Let's Party.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Sun goes down over Bonnaroo.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Welcome Committee.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Old friends in new places. Winchester and I.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

She's an All-Star.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Pineapple memories.
I saw lots of Pineapple references. Maybe i’m to old. It’s over my head.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Making the performer list for the day.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Mac DeMarco
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Sunset on the farm.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

We found Joe's twin brother.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Great Friends.
Joe and I shortly before a drunken fist fight.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Ruban Nielson of Unknown Mortal Orchestra.
Shot with Canon AE-1, 50mm , Fuji Superia 100, Expired 04.

High Flyer.
Shot with Fuji Neo 90, Instax Mini Film.

Joe goes incognito.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Coming clean.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Man of mystery.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Waiting for the show.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

It's a photoshoot!
Shot with Fuji X100F.

1AM - Photoshoot, why not?
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Comfortable Fashion.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Steve Buscemi made an appearance.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Good times forgotten.
Talked with Joe, neither of us remember taking this.
Shot with Fuji Neo 90, Instax Mini Film.

John is feeling good!
Shot with Fuji X100F.

The Look.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Zoe, she like to be called (Bubble Gun Girl).
Shot with Fuji Neo 90, Instax Mini Film.

She danced right out of her damm shoes.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Squirt Gun Refill.
Shot with Canon AE-1 , 50mm, Fuji Superia 100, Expired 04.

Rinse Off.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

We made it!
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Shower of love.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Happy Fathers Day!
This grandfather brought his grandsons card with him. He was so proud, his grandson told him he could watch the concerts threw the card.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Post Nap.
A day on the farm can take a lot out of you. This guy is obviously coming off a long slumber.

Joe experiences an alcohol induced mid-day freak out.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 160 Film.

Kyle & John share a laugh after dinner.
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Taking in the sights.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

John investigating who is stealing the poop every morning.
Shot with Canon AE-1 , 50mm, Fuji Superia 100, Expired 04.

You can't make these outfits up.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

No weapons at Bonnaroo!
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Hydrating Fans.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Let the good times roll.
Shot with Lomography Action Sampler, Fuji Superia Film 100 - Expired 04.

Skibone offers breakfast!
Skibone offered free breakfast and the neighborhood came running!
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 100 Film.

Our neighbor was on psychedelics the entire week. He only left the camp a few times to see shows. Most of the time he was to paranoid or tired to do anything. I enjoyed drinking with him, we had a great time and great convo.

Sam & Jessika.
Shot on Nikon N90, 50mm - Kodak Portra 400 Film.

Shot with Fuji X100F.

Shot with Fuji X100F.

Peace out!
Shot with Fuji X100F.

Lower price than retail.
Shot on Fuji X100F.

Heading back north.
Shot with Fuji X100F.