Here we are again, it’s hard to believe the IMS and Indycar season has already come and gone. The easing of COVID-19 restrictions later into the 2021 season brought more places to be and subjects to photograph than the previous season. This kept me busy, and you know the old saying…… “time fly’s when you’re having fun”
The 2021 season was full of fun and brought pivotal moments to the sport. We saw the rise of the young drivers and were reminded that the veterans still have what it takes. Wins, poles, podiums came from drivers at the beginning and advanced stage of their career. Helio Castroneves passing Alex Palou to win his 4th Indianapolis 500 is a prime example of that, a moment i’ll never forget. Alex Palou winning the Indycar championship at the beginning of his Indycar career was remarkable!
I’m often told by fans that I have their dream job. They ask how to get started and what gear I recommend. Although the hours, weekends and travel can sometimes be stressful, I always remind my self of those racing fans and their excitement for what IMS/IndyCar puts on track. It’s an honor for me to share what it’s like being here at The Racing Capital of the World and on the road with INDYCAR with our race fans. It excites me to give everyone some behind the scenes views and in-between moments that might have not existed otherwise.
Thanks for taking a look. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think! - Chris Owens

Alexander Rossi, Testing - Sebring International Raceway.
This is probably my favorite light i’ve ever shot racing in. I’m a sucker for those early morning and evening sessions.

Max Chilton, Testing - Sebring International Raceway.
I spent more time then i’m proud to admit trying to nail this shot. The cars kept coming by and I couldn’t capture the whole car in the frame. Right as a I thought I was going to give up and move to something more productive, hit one perfect!
A day with Johnny Rutherford - Fort Worth, Texas.
This last March I was fortunate enough to spend a day in Fort Worth, TX with “Lonestar JR” Johnny Rutherford. It’s hard to pick one photo from this day, although this one with his pavement scared helmet from Phoenix stands out. It was an amazing day of hearing stories of how it used to be. We shared some laughs and I also held my breath as he mentioned some of his closest calls with the wall. When we wrapped up, I invited Mr. Rutherford out to lunch. His quick pick was Mexican at his favorite restaurant. When we arrived they quickly took us to his table (he’s a regular). I had the Roosevelt special, inspired by Teddy’s 1936 visit to the restaurant. A world famous" cheese enchilada with chili, beef taco and bean chalupa. I kicked that spicy mess down with a Corona so frosty it was hard to hold. Hell of a joint really! Johnny recommended the meal for me, it was his late wife Betty’s favorite dish.

Rinus Veekay - Testing, Laguna Seca.
Getting to know Rinus. Rinus has a lot of energy and has said some pretty crazy things in the limited time i’ve spent around him. He’s an easy favorite and big personality. Rinus had a little down time so I grabbed him. I love making interesting portraits of the drivers.

Alex Palou - Barber Motorsports Park.
I’ve been to Barber Motorsports Park at least 25 times covering Indycar races, tests and support series events. I’ve shot this spider 25 different ways. This particular race day, I laid on the ground and captured the car going under the spider. I like to think Alex Palou is tricking the spider “going under him”.

Graham Rahal - Grand Prix of St. Petersburg.
I absolutely love this location at St. Pete. Back in 2012 while shooting IMSA sports cars at IMS, I ended up with a car crossing in-front of the car I was shooting. I thought “woha, kind of neat”. I’ve been adding it into my weekend mix and seeking it ever sense.

Takuma Sato - Texas Motor Speedway.
This is another photograph from testing this spring. I love how the low evening light hits the lens and makes glare. The orange glare with the blue of the shadows makes for a really cool image. Photographing racing is always an all day affair. I’ve known guys over the years who show up late or leave early to beat traffic and miss the golden hour. They’re not doing it right. Trust me.

Alexander Rossi - Texas Motor Speedway.
I’m a sucker for a clean shot. I really enjoy how isolated the car is in this image. I also adjusted the colors to give a unique vibe.

Pato O'Ward - Texas Motor Speedway.
TMS hosts one of the better victory circle’s on the Indycar tour. Blazing flames and big guns! Now that’s a winning celebration.

REV Party - Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
IMS’s REV charity event, each year raises funding and support for Indiana University trauma and critical care programs at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and all over Indiana. Funds contribute to equipment and training that serve race patrons and drivers, as well as communities across the state, through programs like the IMS Emergency Medical Center, IU Health trauma and neurological trauma services, Lifeline and Gary Brackett's Gotcha Covered Program.

Rinus Veekay - Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
There’s no better reaction then a first time winner! The only thing better was seeing his parents and team get super emotional.

Ed Carpenter - Indianapolis 500.
Many years ago at the Long Beach Grand Prix a friend set up a quick meeting between National Geographic photographer Gerd Ludwig and myself. He is a very interesting guy and an extremely talented shooter. He worked on a project called Sleeping Cars. I wanted to attempt in an IMS garage what Gerd does on city streets. Here it is, a sleeping Indycar the evening before the 500.
Charlie Kimball - Indianapolis, IN.
The agony of defeat. Watching Charlie’s reaction to getting bumped from the Indianapolis 500 was a very difficult. I honestly almost didn’t photograph this moment. It was to raw and more than obvious he was at an emotional low. I know Charlie, I thought shooting images would be kicking him while he’s down. I shook the notion off and told myself “this is what I’m here to do”. This is what I saw.

Scott Dixon (ICEMAN) - Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
I’ve had this idea of shooting Scott Dixon with bags of ice for years! With Scott winning the pole for this years Indianapolis 500, I knew I was guaranteed some short time with him for a photo shoot. I remember thinking, “here’s my chance” . In retrospect I would have done it a little differently but things like this are hard to practice. Here you have it, The Ice Man.

Fans - Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
I like photos for weird reasons. I like that these fans are are in the same stride of step, I like that they are both wearing hats IMS and IndyCar. I know that’s simple. I just like it, perhaps for even more reasons I haven’t completely nailed down yet ;).

Graham and Harlan Rahal share a moment with Alexander Rossi - Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
This image is 100% right place, right time. I was watching Graham interact with his daughter Harlan. She was staring at Alexander, he waved and she waved back. Priceless!

A Young Fan - Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
I love this photo of this young man. The moment I saw him, something struck a chord. I said "oh my, there I am.” i’ve been him, a young fan wanting an autograph. I’m thrilled young folks are into the Indy 500. It made me smile.

Helio Castroneves - Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
I’ve fantasized about taking this photo a thousand times for many years. With a hand full of laps to go, I left the photographers victory circle platform with reality it was time to make it happen. Helio climbs the fence when he wins, he’s in the lead. I ran out there, the rest is history. Unbelievable.

Helio Castroneves - Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Typically clouds are not ideal for a photo shoot, in this case they worked. It was really a special day getting to make an image of a 4 time Indianapolis 500 winner.

AJ Foyt, Helio Castroneves, Al Unser, Rick Mears - Indianapolis, IN.
The Mount Rushmore of the Indianapolis 500. All four of the four time Indianapolis 500 winners. A day full of stories, photos and laughs I’ll never forget.

Pato O'Ward - Detroit Grand Prix.
The Detroit GP is another one of the best victory circles in motorsport. So much action and so many good photos.

Josef Newgarden - Mid Ohio Sports Car Course.
The safety crew in this area zip tied the flag to the fence. I walked past this area all weekend and didn’t think anything of it. It wasn’t until race day when I found myself looking around it to see what cars were coming next. That’s when it hit me to use it in a photo. I was able to stand a few feet away from it and shoot the cars right underneath it.

Will Power - Mid Ohio Sports Car Course.
This was a crash I was in no way prepared for. I was actually watching the front of the field when I heard screeching of tires. I some how pointed the camera in the vicinity I thought it was happening. I then slammed down the shutter button. The image is a little shaky and erratic. I think that actually adds to the chaos of moment.

Scott Dixon - Nashville Grand Prix.
From the moment we officially announced we’d be racing in Nashvillie, I knew I wanted to find a way to capture the cars going over the Korean Veterans Memorial Bridge . I went down a month in advance with photographer Barry Cantrell to get the lay of the land and create photo holes. This is the outcome!

Marcus Ericsson - Music City Grand Prix.
What a day the it was on the streets of Nashville. It was scorching hot and the course is laid out in a way that makes for a lot of walking. The race was running long but coming to an end. I debated trying this last spot of the event before heading to victory circle. I’m glad I did, look at all those people and that skyline. I really enjoy Nashville.

Colton Herta - Grand Prix of Nashville.
This might be my favorite photo of the year. I had a genius idea to shoot from the Nissan stadium ramp, it was slammed with people when i made my way there after the start of the race. I found myself looking down for perspective in between people or between their legs. At this particular spot I decided to keep both person and car in the frame.

Alexander Rossi - Laguna Seca.
Getting handsy! I’ve always been impressed by the quick hands and mental reaction time of IndyCar drivers. Here they are!

Pato O'Ward - Long Beach Grand Prix.
I like this shot a lot. It turned out so much better than I expected. The truth is it had so much more potential. What you don’t see is hanging from the celling are crystal chandlers, they were lit up and spectacular just moments before our practice session started. That will forever live in my “photographs not taken” folder in my brain.

Alex Palou - Long Beach Grand Prix.
2021 Indycar champion Alex Palou takes the checkered flag on 2021.

Alex Palou - Long Beach Grand Prix.
Mr. King of the Beach! It was very exciting watching Alex this season. The extremely talented Joe Skibinski helped me light this portrait. We struggled with the light, I asked Joe to try the other side of Alex, he nailed it in one shot. BLESS JOE! #Photography.

Chip Ganassi - Alex Palou - Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
I love this photo of Chip and Alex. I popped a few shots of them and thought the emotion was a bit stale for such an occasion. I yelled out, “ Give me the smile you have when you take this check to PNC Bank (team sponsor)” They both laughed. I love it.

Alex Palou - Indianapolis, IN.
I must say, this is a day I didn’t see coming. This was sometime mid-week after the season had ended. I finally was getting a day off and was laying in bed when I got the call to come shoot Alex in the chicken limo. At the time all I wanted was a day off, in retrospect is was one of my favorite assignments I ever shot.

Alex Palou - Long Beach, CA.
Alex Palou was not anywhere near my guess for 2021 IndyCar Champion. I feel like a lot of people can identify with that. In my mind that really adds to the emotion and newcomer/under dog feel of this photo. What a great season.

In my time covering IndyCar I got to be acquainted with Robin Miller. Robin and I never really talked racing. We talked more about junk food and usual gossip. Robin was more interested in what a younger guy like me was doing off track. I had plenty of wild stories to pull a chuckle. All fun aside, I wanted to create a serious and dramatic image to encompass how serious his contribution was to the motorsport community. While i’m sure Robin would have thought this was a waste of time… I like to think i did him ok.

Ryan Hunter Reay - Indianapolis, IN.
I really enjoy the relection on the doors and color of this image. Shooting into the haulers brings a new element of lighting you don’t get outdoors. It’s a nice, clean shot of Ryan.

Hélio Castroneves - The Thrill of Victory.
The 2021 Indianapolis 500 couldn’t have ended with a better story. From year to year there is not a fan in the 2.5 mile oval that isn’t waiting for Helio to win his fourth 500. He did it! Motorsports history right here at 1/1000th of a second.