Best of 2020 - Part 2 - The In-Between Moments.

Images are more than ever our most popular form of communication. We photograph our friends, children, food and holidays along with other important moments. But what if there is more?

What if we photographed the in-between moments? The mundane, insignificant and senseless moments of our day. What would those images look like? Would that be the key to making art? Would it open a more developed outlook to our day to day life? Would it leave us with a more in depth collection of how we live? Or would it leave us with a folder of senseless and confusing rubbish.

I present to you the In-between moments. A gallery of photographs that either say nothing or so much depending where your head is. The kinds of photos you might not cherish or make sense to take, you might like to keep for other reasons.

Whether you feel nothing or find some meaning in these images, thanks for taking a look!
